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Time to get started! How to exchange procrastination for inner calm and head-space.

While spring is often hailed as the ultimate time for renewal, there’s a lot to be said for the freshness of autumn.

After all, the frantic rush of our heat-drenched summer has passed, you’re probably back from your holidays, and a new school year has just begun.

(And breathe out!)

Have you ever noticed, though, how hard it can sometimes feel to just get going with all those shiny new-season plans?

It’s so easy to understand why. After all, your hours are well enough spent on working hard, finding precious time to spend with the family…oh, and not forgetting those all-important drinks with friends.

So those moving-forward plans are put off again, as another evening rolls around and you decide to spend it reading your kids a bedtime story, then settling down with Netflix. When the alternative is going through all the paperwork needed to change your job, or to take up that great new insurance deal, then who could blame you? Anyway, you’ll definitely get everything organised at some point, you tell yourself...just as soon as you can find a few free hours!

Take heart - as we welcome in this glorious new season, it’s the perfect time to ditch unhelpful old habits and start anew with a fresh way of thinking about life admin.

If there’s one thing you can do to optimise your chances of a successful fresh start this autumn, it is to ditch the procrastination habit! We all do it. We find excuses to not do the stuff that we don’t want to do. That voice in our head that says ‘I don’t have the time, I don’t have the information to hand, I need to research more, I’ve got too much on my plate at the moment’!

As we welcome in this glorious new season, it's the perfect time to ditch unhelpful old habits and start anew. If you do one thing this Autumn, ditch the procrastination habit!

It’s true. You probably do have a lot on your plate. But just for a moment, think about how you might serve that plate up to a child. You’d cut everything up into small, comfortable chunks…and then, as if by magic, the plate is easily cleared!

Why not adopt this approach to your life admin? Lifefyle’s simple online portal allows you to upload and store your documents at the touch of a button and assign a task to it. Start with just one document or task at a time, just as it gets served on your plate. It doesn’t need you to find that ‘free few hours’ or evening, just use your phone and upload as you go. As sure as each day and season passes, you’ll soon have a crystal-clear, 360-degree view of your life admin – from life events and insurance, to your legacy information. You’ll also have useful lists and handy reminders to help you stay in control of your time.

Remember the saying, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”? Keep that in mind, as you take your first baby steps in the right direction. Before long, you’ll find that your life admin journey was not only far fewer than a thousand miles, it was far less stressful than you ever thought it would be! And this time next year, as you welcome in those crisp, chillier days maybe there won’t be a need to for a fresh start, because life will already be in balance.

Don’t put it off any longer. Now’s the perfect time to regain control of your life admin with our ‘hello autumn’ special offer. Sign up today, enter code 'AFS90LKN' at the check-out and you’ll get the first three months on us*. But hurry, offer expires on 19th October.

Click here to sign up to Lifefyle today!

* 3 month free trial offer expires 19/10/2018. Only valid when discount code is applied at payment checkout with full payment details on or before this date. Only available to new members. 1 redemption per person. After your free trial you will automatically be billed monthly, at the standard subscription rate, until cancelled. Can not be exchanged for cash or combined with other offers. Statutory rights not affected

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